Hello, I’m Kristin. I’m a mama to the most incredible little rockstar, Poppy. I’m a wife to an amazing man who does all that he can to support our family and who makes it possible for me to stay home and raise our daughter. I am so blessed and thank God everyday to have both of them in my life!
For those who don’t know me, I am of the crunchy, granola type and try to do all that I can to keep our family’s footprint as little as possible. We cloth diaper, compost, unpaper towel, use cloth napkins, buy local, drive a Prius (we only have one vehicle and I think our cloth bags are taking over the trunk), and my hubby rides his bike to work! I fully believe in attachment parenting. In our home, we co-sleep, toddler wear, practice gentle parenting, and yes, I *gasp* still breastfeed my toddler.
In my life I have been a projectionist, a shoe specialist, a veterinary technician, an administrative assistant, a doula, an office manager, a teacher, and a librarian. On top of all this, I am an aspiring photographer, midwife, and professional organizer.
Welcome to my blog. My goal is to share little bits of our everyday to prove that happiness really is everywhere!
xoxo, Kristin
Photo Credit: Sarah MacWright